So, my sweet little boy is 9 months old! I am so amazed every month when I realize he is older!
I measured him tonight and he is now 30 inches long!
He's in 12-18 month clothes...but only for the length. HA!
He weighs 18 lbs.
His favorite word is "Dada".
He loves rolling around the living room floor, and scooting on his tummy.
He loves carrots drinking from his sippy.
Tonight, while in the bathtub, he picked up his bath cup and tried to drink out of it for the first time!
Usually I have to hold it up for him.
Since the weather has gotten nice we go for walks every day and besides bath time I think that is NJ's favorite activity.
I just love my little man so's just so hard to believe that he will be 1 in three months!