Saturday, July 26, 2008


*Such a prayer offered in FAITH will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And, if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.* ~James 5:15
*It is so hard to step out on faith. But, I feel like I'm doing really well with it. (for now) Every day I try to give Zach to God...even though I just want to be selfish and try to do things on my own...but I know that's not the way. It's very impressive to see how GOD works though...
On Thursday we went into the doctors and we had an ultra-sound done, and the outcome was so amazing and encouraging!!!! We went from 0 fluid, to 2 cm of fluid, to 5 cm in 2 weeks. God is sooooo good....I am just continuously amazed by his faithfulness and love!

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